Tagged: gloves


Touring South America: Crossing the Andes

Chapter 14: April 14th, Andes Mountain Crossing, Argentina. To leave Santiago at rush hour is not something I’d recommend, especially if you’re in a residential area and have to weave through an entire city’s worth of cars trying to get to their jobs. I left my aunt’s house at 8am but it wasn’t until an hour later that I was getting on the highway. I also briefly lost my way because I failed to read some signs properly and ended...


Touring South America: Evolving Gloves

Chapter 13: April 14th, Santiago, Chile. The hostel where I ended up staying after nearly sliding down a steep hill in the city was the Hostal Acuarela. It was one of the most charming and cozy places I had stayed at until that moment. The interior had a unique design and you could feel that it had a personality. Whoever had designed the place had quite an original creative process. Lucky for me I got to enjoy it in solitude...